The Titus 2 Way
This article is a little different. It is actually an outline due to the topic.
This phrase "to be busy at home" is NIV, however, check out different translations. It is a combo word = employed at home. Other related words are royalty, palace, indoors, members of household and sanctuary.
-Is it OK for a Christian woman to work outside the home? Why or why not?
-What title, if any, does she give herself if she only works within the home?
Bible basis to "keeper of the home"... Titus 2, Prov 31, 1 Tim 5:14 (natural tendency to loaf), 1 Tim 5:8 (men provide).
Seasons of our lives allow for more time outside the home. Children do grow up and ladies we do grow old. However, I think we have it backwards. We work ourselves to death while we're young. Notice who does so much of the ministry or "programs" at church. The young women with young families. Shame on the older generations for such pressure to participate. The older women should encourage young moms to be at home, taking care of their own families. So many church activities, well intended, only separate families and cause chaos at home.
Before I commit to any activity outside my home, three questions I need to ask myself:
1. What is the reason for working outside of my home and is it honoring the gospel?
2. How will this help my husband's calling?
3. Where will this hinder my created purpose as keeper of my home?
Responses to those questions:
1. My answer my require confession and prayer time.
2. Gen 1:26-31, 2:7-25; 1 Cor 11:8-9. Read p. 109, 107 in Feminine Appeal
3. Read p. 111 in Feminine Appeal. Remember the purpose for a Titus 2 life is to present the gospel attractive to unbelievers. "Our homes can actually be a showcase for the gospel" But we have to be home! Remember purity is wedged between self-control and busy at home. Interesting.
Martha Peace writes in the The Excellent Wife, "The biblical concept of a "worker at home" is not a popular one today, but I do believe that God intended for the women, especially the younger women, to stay home and do a good job of caring for their homes and for their families. A wife who is gone with too many activities or work does not have the time or energy to keep her home as it should be kept.
If a wife is working or is thinking of returning to work, she should examine her motives. What is it she really wants? What is her heart set on? Is it to avoid becoming a 'non-person?' Is it more material things? Is is wanting to be out from under the demands of child care? Is it to relieve her husband from his responsibility of work? None of these motives are for the glory of God. They are self-serving and sinful. Godly motives would be learning to be content, Phil 4:11, gratitude to the Lord for what she does have, 1 Thess 5:18, and whatever you do in thought, word, and deed, do all for the glory of God, 1 Cor 10:31. Staying at home and organizing a clean, well run household is a major biblical emphasis in the God-given ministry of the wife.".... ShaZam! Go Martha Peace!
"Keeping a home is more than staying at home; it is having a heart fixed on the home." Debi Pearl, Created to be His Help Meet
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