Sunday, February 13, 2011

Self-Control-Part Two

Martha, Martha, Martha.

When mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.  Martha was in a whirl and she wanted Mary and Jesus in one too.  "The excessiveness of worldly cares and pursuits is often the occasion for disturbance in families and for strife and disagreement among relation,"  Matthew Henry commentary.

But Martha was serving Jesus afterall!  Serving the Lord requires time and effort right?  And when it got tough she prayed for help right?.  But that's not how scripture paints a picture of Martha's heart.  Remember she was in "But Me" mode.  In her distraction, she made an interesting request to the Lord.

v.40b, And she went up to him and said, "Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone?  Tell her then to help me."  She demanded, Jesus make Mary help!  Henry states, "Those are not always in the right who are most eager to appeal to God"    

In Martha's out of control state, Jesus was perfect in his response.  v.41, "Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things." Turning it back to Martha, he points out her sin state.  Then with grace, redirecting Martha, he says "but one thing is necessary,"  time with me.  

Henry's commentary, "Serious godliness is a needed thing, nothing but this will go with us into another world.  The day will come when Martha will wish she had sat where Mary did.  Christ justified Mary against her sister's busyness, he applauded her for her wisdom.  'She has chosen the good portion' to be with Christ, a better way of honorning and pleasing him, by receiving his word into her heart, than Martha did by providing for his entertainment in her house.  It is wisdom and duty of every one of us to choose this good part.  Mary had a choice, partake with Martha in her worry or sit at the feet of Christ and prove herself a zealous disciple."   

Charles Spurgeon puts it real simple, "It is easier to serve than to commune."  ShaZam!

Scripture always provides our way and Proverbs 2:1-11 instructs me in exactly how to do the one thing necessary.  Notice in v. 11, self-control naturally follows.  

By the way, Proverbs 1-10:1 are wisdom chapters, all directed at sons.  The only thing in Titus 2 for younger men is, you guessed it, self-control (wisdom).

I beg you to spend some time over Proverbs 2.  Get the lists of action verbs in v.1-4, accept, store, turn, apply, call, cry, look, search, v.5, THEN I will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God!  Verse 11 hems it all in, "Discretion (self-control) will protect you, and understanding will guard you.  

Self-control=wise=knowledge of the Holy=wall of protection.  Only one thing is necessary, choose the better way.


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