Sunday, February 13, 2011

I Seek Purity, I Pursue Righteousness

The Titus 2 Way

Titus 2 is a list of characteristics we are to learn and in turn teach to the next generation.  Among that list is a very specific word, pure.  Purity in Titus 2 is to be innocent, clean and having proper sexual conduct.  But attached to that word is a wonderful surprise!  The word Holy.  To be pure is a call to be holy!

The word holy, in Titus 2 context, is to be acceptable to God.  It's active dedication to the Lord.  

How awesome is that!  Purity is NOT  "just DON'T do it" or "it'll make you go blind".  Purity is NOT reactive or just stopping at some imaginary line.  Purity is so much more!  Purity is proactive and it has a plan.  It is a pursuit, it's movement... it has a goal.  It's aim is nothing less than holiness!

By the way, God's not shocked when we do the tango.  We were created to consummate that desire, but only within the boundary of a covenant marriage between a husband and a wife.  But what about the rest of the world?  The marriages that stink or the really in love so why shouldn't they do it?  What about those just born that way?

Purity calls us all, for God said, "Be holy, because I am holy."

In 2 Samuel 11-12, David provides us with exactly what NOT to do:
1.  David was not where he was supposed to be.  Literally.  He was at home and idle, not at work where he was purposed to be.
2.  David saw her.  The lust of the eyes for the things of this world may not end with materialism.  Careful what your eyes do a double take on.  For it's through the eyes that we view the flesh of others.  Before you know it, the lust of the flesh is upon you.  It sneaks up, in small... one step at a time... moves and miscalculations.  (1 John 2:15-17)
3.  David sent for her.   "We may be tempted to meet real physical needs in appropriate ways."  However, I am not my own, I was bought a price (1 Cor 6:12-20).  I am to flee from the desires of the flesh and make no provisions for it, especially in my home (Gen. 29, Ps 101:2-3, Rom 13:14).  Charles Spurgeon says what we are at home, that we are indeed.  Also, know when, where and with whom I am tempted.  "God is not impressed with my ability to stand up to sin.  He's more impressed by the obedience I show when I run from it (Kissed Dating Goodbye)."  1 Cor 10:11-13, says no temptation has seized me to the point of no return.  God will not allow me to be tempted beyond what I can bear.  But when I am tempted, God is faithful and will provide me with a way out.  David had the choice and decided to go his way.

The rest is His-story, check out Psalm 51.  David could not remain in that sin state for long.  Romans 6 gives clarity to that point.  

Of course, Proverbs 1-10:1 is the go to for young men in need of self-control.  Proverbs 7, gentlemen is your must read for understanding purity and the wily ways of women.

For the ladies, the Bible character for a purity picture is Rebekah.  In Genesis 24, Rebekah shows us exactly what to do:
1.  Rebekah was where she was supposed to be.  Literally.  She was about her daily chores, doing exactly what she was purposed to be.  She cherished the stage of life she was in and went about it "quickly".
2.  Rebekah saw him.  Because she was spiritually prepared, she was ready for an opportunity when she saw it.  She noticed the man needed help.  What she didn't know, she was the answer to a prayer.
3.  Rebekah went with him.  A marriage made in heaven.

The rest is His-story, check out the linage of Jesus.  Rebekah became  the wife of Isaac, the mother of Jacob and the grandmother to the very tribes of Israel.  

Here are additional scripture to add to your study of purity.  They are amazing!  Note the reoccuring themes from our Romans series.  Don't ya love it!
-1 Peter 1:13-23
-2 Corn 6:14-7:1
-Rom 6:18-23
-1 Thess 4:1-8

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