Home Management 101, look to 1 Tim 5:14. Young women should manage their homes. KJV says to "guide the house." What a great phrase!
Four areas of Home Management:
1. Finance
2. Organization
3. Hospitality
4. Scheduling
1. Finance:
Money is the biggest source of discontentment!
Get a Budget! Seriously! Be a grown-up!
Compulsive shopping:
-don't shop! I may need to fast in this area.
-use a list, have a plan
-look at the cost of the item and compare it to the per hour of wages my husband had to work in order for me to be able to purchase it.
-can I get the same item used or repair the old one?
-use cash
-wait 24 hours, then if still need it, buy it
-pray about it
Stretch your $:
-do lunch instead of dinner, get water or just go out for dessert
-thrift shop
-Coupon 101 (Please get with Amy Beard! She is great at this!)
-pray about it
2. Organization:
Vision-get there's a bigger picture here, biblical and practical.
-Look around the house. What do I see? It is a distinct reflection of me. I am the most powerful factor in how my house looks and feels. I hold the key.
-Do I like what I see? Do I need a change? For a house to change, I have to change. As I strive to create the home my family needs, I learn about myself. This is a real opportunity for growth. "But really it's not a choice. Stakes are too high. The family depends on how well I learn and execute my job. To start a family and then fail to tend it is a terrible loss to everyone involved. To neglect teaching organization skills to my children is to do a great disservice to them for the rest of their lives." Organizing Your Home and Family
1. Finance
2. Organization
3. Hospitality
4. Scheduling
1. Finance:
Money is the biggest source of discontentment!
Get a Budget! Seriously! Be a grown-up!
Compulsive shopping:
-don't shop! I may need to fast in this area.
-use a list, have a plan
-look at the cost of the item and compare it to the per hour of wages my husband had to work in order for me to be able to purchase it.
-can I get the same item used or repair the old one?
-use cash
-wait 24 hours, then if still need it, buy it
-pray about it
Stretch your $:
-do lunch instead of dinner, get water or just go out for dessert
-thrift shop
-Coupon 101 (Please get with Amy Beard! She is great at this!)
-pray about it
2. Organization:
Vision-get there's a bigger picture here, biblical and practical.
-Look around the house. What do I see? It is a distinct reflection of me. I am the most powerful factor in how my house looks and feels. I hold the key.
-Do I like what I see? Do I need a change? For a house to change, I have to change. As I strive to create the home my family needs, I learn about myself. This is a real opportunity for growth. "But really it's not a choice. Stakes are too high. The family depends on how well I learn and execute my job. To start a family and then fail to tend it is a terrible loss to everyone involved. To neglect teaching organization skills to my children is to do a great disservice to them for the rest of their lives." Organizing Your Home and Family
"where the family is working right, the house will work right."
The focus is on the family.
Tips for getting kids involved with organization:
-teach them, make it fun... rules must have relationship.... inspect what you expect
-have a no kid zone somewhere in your house, especially in parents bedroom
-no food/drinks leave the table
What hinders me from being organized?
-overextended and overwhelmed
-depressed or illness (may need medical attention)
No matter the problem... answer lies with me.
Finally, practical tips for mom:
-clean left to right, top to bottom
-use good tools
-get rid of stuff, you will have less to clean
Four S's:
-simplify (throw away junk)
-sort (group like things)
-store (easy access, use clear containers)
-schedule everything (meals, shopping, cleaning... Mondays=bedrooms, Tues=bathrooms...)
Get a handle on laundry, dishes and paper!
3. Hospitality:
Scripture is clear I am to show hospitality.
-it's about others, make it about people not my house
-less will do
What hinders me from having people in my home?
-time (never at home)
-cleaning (house is a wreck)
-$ (think I don't have nice enough things or must serve an expensive meal)
4. Scheduling:
Must be home to be a keeper of the home. Stop over committing myself to activities. Remember to ask myself the 3 questions.
What hinders me from keeping busy at home?
-pressure to involve kids (afraid they'll be weird if aren't involved in ____)
-I like to be on the go (read 1 Tim 5:13-14)
-when house is a bomb exploded or kids are small beasts or husband not so lovely... easier to be on the road, not at home so I don't have to do deal with it.
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